
Saturday 21 July 2012


Okay, my female classmate had a relationship with some guy in the next class. And ever since they started being a couple they have been fighting everyday! Oh and they WERE in a relationship, I think they just broke up today but I don't know why and I'm not even sure if they really did break up because you know young couples, they have a small fight and then they say they're single again. So I can't be sure, but if they really did break up I'd be happy. I know she's my friend but they have been fighting everyday and it's been getting on my nerves lately. But for some reason I don't know how they can even be together since they fight everyday. Every day in school I will see that girl cry but I heard when they text each other they will use words like "husband" or "wife"! First of all, that really disturbs me because they're definitely not married and come one! They fight all day but become husband and wife at night?! What sense is that? And, they are extremely jealous of one another! The guy gets jealous when the girl talks to other guys and if I remember correctly the girl once got so damn jealous that she cried! I was like "You have got to be kidding me!". I mean come on, so what if you're in a relationship! You can still talk to other girls or guys you know! And speaking of relationships you definitely can't force someone not to like another person even though that person has a girlfriend or boyfriend you know! There's nothing wrong in liking somebody as long as you don't harm their relationship anything that has to do with the relationship.

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