
Monday 16 July 2012

Freakin Bored Day

Today was extremely boring! We have an assembly every 2 weeks, and it's time for assembly again today... And as usual it sucked.... The vice principal and other teachers just had to take their time to lecture about us being noisy. The worst part was we were all listening when she said that we never listen to they're announcements which was completely false. If we never listen to what they say then how could we know that they're lecturing us about being too noisy? I hate assemblies because we have to stand there and listen to them saying that we're horrible students and we can't even say a word. Well, other than that other classes still stunk, today's classes was like extremely boring! I don't know if it's just me or what but I was so bored that I actually slept in class! I always say that I sleep in class but so far I never did it when teachers are in class but I was so damn bored that I accidentally fell asleep.

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