
Sunday 29 July 2012

Not going to school on Saturdays

Damn it! It's already Sunday midnight! One of the things that suck when you're studying in my school is that you have to go to school on Saturdays! And it's not only for Extra Curricular, you have to have classes too! What the hell?! Do they realize that when people are shouting "TGIF!!!!!" We're like "I have homework to do, and it's due tomorrow..." When people are having fun, we're still doing homework or studying. Okay, that was fake... I mean where are you gonna find people that actually like studying school books? What I'm trying to say is that people are having fun while we still have to prepare for school which means normal people have 2 days and three nights or relaxation but we have 1 day and 2 nights of relaxation. Come on! They have to be fair! And what if that certain family has a lunch or dinner coming up? And since they have to prepare for it they can't have time to play or relax that means, that guy doesn't even have time for himself! If they let us relax on Saturday's, these things wouldn't happen as much! I'm not saying things like people never getting to relax will never happen again if they let us go to school only 5 days a week, I'm saying that the possibility of that will decrease. And, it's also a benefit to parents too. Why? Because kids nowadays hate school, and when they have to go to school on Saturday while other kids are sleeping like pigs, they'll start to curse people like the headmaster! And, kids' attitude will change because they don't think it's fair! Even people from work don't have to go to work on Saturdays' but students still have to go to school?! What logic is that?! AND! If we don't have to go to school on Saturdays' teachers can have more time to relax or mark the students workbook! See? Look how not going to school on Saturdays' has benefited so many people!

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