
Saturday 14 July 2012

Teacher's Day Duty.

Today was Teacher's Day. I was on duty today at my school's hall. I was at the backstage and it was definitely not what I expected. I expected it to be fun because I thought there would be a lot of friends. Well, I was half right.... There were two groups. Sadly, I was in the lame group... There was a girl that keeps telling us what to do but she herself didn't do anything and she's not even a senior. She was a senior to me but she's definitely not high ranked enough to boss people around. The real seniors are busy watching the other group so they didn't notice her bossing us around. It sucked, and the worst part is the other group was having fun even when the seniors are watching. The seniors didn't mind if we have a little fun but that's not what the bossy girl thinks. And, originally we can watch the performance from back stage but there was something blocking our group's sight so that means we can watch only some part of the performance while the other group can move around and watch the whole performance. That's so unfair.

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