
Tuesday 17 July 2012

Mathematics tuition tomorrow~

I just signed up for a Mathematics tuition and I'm going to start tomorrow. The reason I agreed to join is because it's only a few people in my class, I feel more comfortable if it was my classmates. Well, I don't like all my classmates but I don't mind the people that are going to the tuition with me. Anyway, I think it's gonna be great because the teachers isn't old so they can relate to us. Like if we say his class is boring he won't mind because any normal person will feel bored when they're studying. But if we say that in front of older teachers they'll probably think we're annoying so I guess I won't be that bad. And young people nowadays need internet so we can probably go on Facebook or other websites before or after the class. One of the best thing is that the teacher's house is near a shopping mall so after we're done we can probably go for a movie or something! It's so damn awesome~!

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