
Thursday 26 July 2012

People that just want to know more about your life

 You know you have an/some adult relatives/relative that always wants to know about your life even though it has no connection with him/her whatsoever. Recently, my cousin just found out that I got rejected by someone so they thought that I was depressed. Yes, I was depressed but I definitely wasn't depressed because I got rejected! I'm not those girly girls, I was depressed by something related to it but definitely not depressed about being rejected. Anyway, I think they told they're parents that I have a crush and that I got rejected and I'm depressed. But like I said I'm not depressed about getting rejected, I was depressed about something else and I didn't want anyone to know so they thought that I was upset all because I got rejected. Anyone who really knows me knows that I won't get too depressed even if I got rejected. I'm not those girls who cry all day and all night just because they can't get the person that they like. Anyway, the second day my cousin's mother was like "I think you're abnormal today." I wasn't exactly offended by that but how could they say that?! That incident happened a long time ago and I'm fine now but they just have to point it out! Now, I wasn't upset because it reminded me of my crush but come on! They don't even know anything and they still want to judge me. If you don't know anything please don't judge people too quickly. That incident happened a long time ago, I don't talk to him anymore because I want to avoid certain things to happen. Anyway, that's none of their business and they shouldn't bother about my love life! Yes, they're related to me and yes they have the right to care for me but to me they don't seem like they care about me at all, it's just seems to me that they just want to know more about my love life.

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