
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Popularity Rankings

You know I really don't get why guys my age are so dumb! Well, not all but a lot of them, especially in my school. Well, it's normal for a class or a school to have popularity rankings even though they don't say it you can probably see it. My class has a popularity ranking too but it's practically bullshit! They don't judge your popularity by your coolness or how good of a person you are or how rebellious you are! They judge by how beautiful or good-looking you are. And the first few people that are ranked most popular in my class are jerks or like posing duck faces and posting it on the internet! And they think that just because they can talk loudly they're like VIP in the class! I'm like "You're kidding me right?!" And I was kind of lying, they do judge by your rebelliousness but the problem is they don't know how to judge! Just because a kid talks back to a teacher or make good jokes doesn't mean that they're rebellious! I don't even understand how making good jokes can make you like a rebellious kid. Which is why I join people that are older than me, yes I should join people the same age as me but they're jerks and they are useless and don't even know what rebellious is! If you judge people by how rebellious they are I certainly won't be the first in school, but I probably might be first in my class. I skip classes all the time, I do practically whatever I want in class while the other classmates listen teachers and they do homework! Yes, I do homework too but I always copy other people's answer at the last minute..... Geez.... I just hope they will stop these stupid rankings... And I'm not just saying this because I'm not at the top, it's just unfair! They treat people that are not popular like servants!

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