
Friday 20 July 2012

People who change.....

You know when one of your friends change and you can feel it but when people ask you to say what part of them has changed you just can't say it because you don't know. 2 of my friends changed. One girl and one guy. Well, it's hard for me to say what they've change but I'll just guess a few. Well, first of all when I just knew the girl she isn't all feminine. And now I think she's trying to be more feminine because she always borrow a comb from the girl sitting next to her. Before that, she never borrows any thing like combs, mirrors and such. And now it's like she's asking for it every few minutes! But I didn't have the heart to tell her, and I think she has a crush on my class's former monitor so you can't blame someone for being feminine for her crush. And now the guy. Well, when I first knew him he was fun and great to hang out with but now.... Well, one of his classmates said he's been you know minding his appearance. He's a scout like me and he's been responsible until a few weeks ago. When I say responsible I mean he will go "fall in" every first recess. We call it fall in even though I don't know why, we usually march during the 20 minutes. Anyway, he used to go everyday but now he just goes for a few days a week. I don't know what's going on with him but if it's because of a girl, well I guess he could tell me. I can probably help, I'm one of his best friends and he said he treats me like a sister well if he really does treat me like a sister I just wish he would change back to the old him when he was fun and great to hang out with. You know some people even laughed at us because they thought we were going out but we were just friends. And the worst thing is that they don't even know that they changed. Anyway, I just hope the two friends would change back to their old selves.

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