
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

DAVID ARCHULETA - A Little Too Not Over You lyrics

I don't know why but I started to find David Archuleta's songs. And some of his songs are better than the songs now, but for some reason people only like songs that are sung by One Direction. You know, sooner or later they're gonna be the 2nd Justin Bieber. I mean, tons of people are saying that they're gay and they always sing love songs and girls are in love with them for some reason. They're really becoming the 2nd Justin Bieber. Anyway, enjoy real songs like this.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Know What Your Girl is thinking..

Okay, I can't take it! I can't stand guys not knowing how girls feel when they don't reply the girls' messages, when they ignore them! So, this is the steps that what girls feel when you guys ignore the people who like you.

1.)So, if a girl likes you and you don't like her back. Tell her! Don't think you're doing the right things if you're not telling her because you're killing her, if you ignore them they're brain goes into overdrive. And when I mean overdrive, I meant over-thinking. If they over-think too much she's gonna get very emotional.

2.)And the same goes when you don't reply or reply the girl's messages late, they'll start to over-think and cry. But the weird thing is, this one if easier to get out of. Well, if you completely don't reply her she'll definitely cry. But if you reply her like after a few hours, she'll cry but when she sees that you replied her, she'll be so happy, it's like nothing ever happened. Even if she doesn't know that you're the one who sent her a message she'll run to her phone full of happiness and hope.

3.)You can actually get her out of her "overdrive" by looking at her. Yeah, it's crazy but girls are crazy. Anyway, if you look at her she won't completely get out of the 'overdrive'. She'll probably be in the "pre overdrive" which is where she calms down a little but still has a little crazy stored in her. But if you don't like her, not even a little bit, don't you dare glance at her! If you look at her she might get the wrong idea and if she's loco she'll ruin your reputation by spreading extreme rumors about you.


Why?! Why do I get jealous so easily?! Okay, so maybe I kinda like this guy because I got jealous when he took a picture with some other girl, she was just a friend but damn I got jealous. And I get all upset when he doesn't reply me messages, I think it's because he knows I like him. My friends said HE liked ME before they knew I like him so even though they didn't know it, they were cheering me up. Anyway, today after school I saw him talking with another girl. And that isn't the first time I saw them together. I know he doesn't like me but he said he didn't like anyone either. Some guys might think "You're overreacting, he doesn't like anyone." or some other shit! But damn it, he's been in this school longer than me and I don't believe he doesn't like someone! Okay, fine, I accept that he doesn't like me but he can't at least reply my messages or at least talk to me once in a while. But I think I'm more pissed about the not replying me thing because I know he doesn't want his friends to talk about him being with someone. If only he knew how I felt and how I'm feeling.....

Monday, 29 October 2012

Assassin's Creed

So, some people might be wondering why I didn't post anything but I guess a lot of you don't even give a damn even if I post anything huh? Well, never mind that. The reason I stopped posting is because I'm hooked on another game. And that game is "Assassin's Creed". I don't have the 2nd or 3rd one but I gotta say, it's kinda awesome even though it's just the first one. I wonder how awesome the others are. And if you're not a gamer but you heard of "Prototype" and you think it kinda looks like Alex Mercer well his not. I don't really know how to spell his name but I know he's definitely not Alex Mercer. And speaking of Prototype, I can't really play it anymore because of the application or something. Anyway, back to Assassin's Creed, it's actually a memory of an assassin. I haven't really finished the game so I can't really tell the story yet, and if I did finish it.... I really have no idea what to play anymore because I'm afraid to download any games and my brother didn't download any new games.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Tips on being in a better relationship

Recently a lot of my friends including me are going through relationships problems right now and some of them are because they think they're boyfriends aren't treating them good enough. Well, I don't know too much because I've never actually been in a relationship, but I do have a crush on someone though. Anyway, there's actually someone that would make a great example of girls demanding too much from their boyfriends. Well, I know the boyfriend and damn that guy is soft! He's a great guy but he always gets controlled by his girlfriend so I kinda pity him sometimes. Okay, so the guy likes playing basketball with his friends but his girlfriend doesn't. So, everyday after school he has to give up playing basketball because he has to be with his girlfriend. But the girlfriend and the girlfriend's best friend still thinks he isn't a good boyfriend. Hey, if someone is willing to give up his favorite sport for you he's a dang awesome guy! One of my seniors is also in a relationship, and I really like his girlfriend because their relationship is balanced. The girl will sometimes sacrifice her time just to watch his boyfriend play basketball, and sometimes the guy sacrifices his time to be with her. If I had a boyfriend and he has to play basketball or something, I'd follow him or just don't mind and be with my friends. Or I can call my friends to the basketball court with me. Anyway, my point is you have to sacrifice somethings when you're in a relationship, you can't just expect your partner to sacrifice everything for you.

Finals are finally over

So, today is the last day of my school's exam and it is freaking awesome! Me and my friends were gonna celebrate it with my friends but there were transport problems so we just decided to go back home to celebrate ourselves. Anyway, the only thing that bugs me is that we have to go back to school this Saturday. Yes, we have school every Saturday but tomorrow and Friday is a school holiday so it kinda sucks, I mean come on, you have 2 days of holiday but then you have to go back to school for a couple of hours and the next day is Sunday so you don't have to go to school. It's kind of worthless after all, and it's after exams why do we even need to go to school? Yeah, we go there to learn but what do we have to learn about since finals are over!! And there's some trip for form 3 and senior 3 students so none of them will be coming to school on Saturday because that's the day they'll be coming back from their trip. But the school still wants us to go back to school! Freaking headmaster. If only I can use a shotgun to shoot him in the head.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Family Feud

I've been watching Family Feud on Youtube for the past few days and I gotta say it's funnier than I expected. And I'm watching the ones hosted by Steve Harvey, and I don't know about the previous hosts, but this one isn't bad. I remember a question "What can't you do alone?" or something like that and first answer is "masturbating". I was laughing like hell! So, I don't have much to say about the show because I'm actually watching it right now and I would really like to get back to the show so here's the link to the episode I'm watching.

Monday, 22 October 2012

The Walking Dead: The Parting Glass (Lyrics)

This is the Walking Dead Season 3 1st Episode's song. Beth sang it as requested by Hershel because he wanted to hear some songs that will remind some good memories I think. This video doesn't really have the lyrics, the lyrics are in the description so I guess I'll copy and paste it hear.

Of all the money that ere I spent
I spent it in good company.
And all the harm that ere I've done
Alas it was to none but me.
And all I've done for want of wit
To memory now I can't recall.
So fill me to the parting glass.
Goodnight and joy be with you all.

Of all the comrades that ere I've had
They're sorry for my going away
And of all the sweethearts that ere I've had
Would wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls unto my lot that I should rise and you should not,
I will gently rise and I'll softly call, "Goodnight and joy be with you all!"
Goodnight and joy be with you all

Walking Dead Season 3 (Episode 1)

One of the world's best drama show was just released in Malaysia yesterday. Yup, The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 1. Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, Carl Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Glenn, Maggie Greene, Hershel Greene, Carol Peletier and also Beth Greene are the last survivor, or so they think. They found a prison nearby so they killed the walkers at the front lawn, after that they continue inside the prison to find other things food, water but instead, they found other survivors. But I don't know what happened next because we have to wait till the next episode. Anyway, Andrea and our new character Michonne are still surviving on themselves. But the one who is working hard killing walkers in Michonne because sadly Andrea is sick and can't do anything good. And if you haven't watched the first episode yet, here's the spoilers. Lori keeps thinking that her baby is becoming a walker because she can't feel anything, and she's afraid that the baby will eat her from inside so she decides to talk to Hershel because Rick hates her guts. Hershel is the one that is keeping Lori sane but is he gonna die? Well, he might because he got bitten by a walker in the prison, there's a chance he won't become a walker because Rick cut off his leg. That is also the moment when they met the new survivors. We haven't met Merle Dixon (Daryl Dixon's brother) nor the governor in the first episode so better wait for the next episode.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Malaysian Dubstep (Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites - Skrillex)

Check this out!! This dude is Malaysian and for a Malaysian that is freaking AWESOME!! But if you compare him with Step Up, he's nothing. No offense to the dancer. But damn he got skills, but I'm not exactly a fan of the song though. If it was some other more energetic song, maybe I like it more

People are bad-mouthing me...

So, a lot of people have been bad-mouthing me, and if you're wondering why I posted this picture. It's because it's a girl that's bad-mouthing me and she likes doing duck faces. But I don't feel like posting duck face pictures so I randomly went to people's Facebook, Google images and other random websites and found this piece of crap. Anyway, I liked someone, and that freakin dumb-ass told his girlfriend. And you know how girls are, they get extremely jealous and then they threaten you. So, I don't know what happened between them. All I know is they're still happily together not that I ever wanted them to break up or anything, and the girlfriend and some other people that I don't know hate my freakin guts! And because of them, more and more people are saying that I'm a bad person. And the worst part is they actually think the people that are bad-mouthing me are good. Well, I can't blame them for saying that even though I don't really like that statement. I mean, anyone is usually good when you just knew them. The only thing I'm happy about is that some people hate those guys that are bad-mouthing me. So, I guess that's it. Man, this douche in the picture is really horrifying, I'll try typing "horrifying girls" on Google image, cuz' she is damn creepy. It's like her face had a stroke or something.

Sumptuous Erotica (News Update)

So those dumb-assess are still going at it, now they're being interviewed by radio stations like Red FM, and they don't seem to be ashamed. And I don't know what the hell is that female dumb-ass is thinking about because she takes nude pictures of herself and his boyfriend TOGETHER but when her mother forced her to either marry him or move out, she was kind of scared because she said they were young and not committed to each other monogamously. So it's normal to have sex and post nude pictures on the internet but you can't even get married? If I recall, Asians usually get married before they do it. And for all the couples that think this is good, well think again. This is world wide, and I don't think anyone's parents would want their to turn into this. So, goodbye to having a boyfriend before 25 at least. Come on, I'm not saying I want a boyfriend now but great, I'm not gonna have a boyfriend until 25 at least. Huh... That makes me sound desperate doesn't it?

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Barney Stinson - Nothings Suits Me Like a Suit

Nothing suits me like a suit! I don't know about you guys but I love this song, and if you want to know the end, Barney never gave up his suits. I'm just saying about the How I Met Your Mother fans that thought he was gonna give up his suits.

ACDC Highway to Hell with lyrics

I don't know why but I thought of this song so I searched it on Youtube and it is AWESOME!! Especially the guitar solo!

Sumptuous Erotica (News)

So, there's a big commotion among Asians because a 23 year old male and female posted nude pictures on Facebook and their blog and in the end the whole world knows about it, at least that's what my mother said. Anyway, the guy is a scholar law student at Singapore but when the public found out that he posted nude pictures on the internet he was like "Take away my scholarship, I don't care." but in the end he did care. I guess in the end he kind of felt embarrassed or something but the girl, damn! She really does want to become a porn star! Well, she could be a porn star, as long as she ain't fat.Other than that, I think she could become a porn star, granted that her cans should be qualified. I mean, if your cans ain't huge who wants to look at em' rite?! Okay, I'm joking but I think she did mention about becoming a porn star so why stop her? She wants it after all. Anyway, she says "I cannot understand people have to make such a fuss about this." Well, if you're in some foreign country we won't mind but we're Asians. Well, there are 2 types of Asians, one like her, they like posting nude pictures on the internet and the second one, the ones that are normal, sort of. I don't know anyone that posts nude pictures of themselves on the internet but if there are, why are they making a fuss about this girl and not the ones that are already on the internet?

Prison's flash mob.Michel Jackson's song(its realy nice)

The title says prison flash mob but I don't know if they really are from prison because they got skills! Well better than a lot of people, not as impressive as Step Up flash mobs but still they are way better than a lot of people especially in my school.

Monday, 15 October 2012

RAY SMASH! - Ray William Johnson

This is my first time posting =3 video because it definitely cheered me up and if you're having a bad time or whatever watch this video or watch more of his videos at His new videos are uploaded on Tuesdays and Fridays now if you still don't know.

Double Ended Di-L-Do! Funny Japanese Commercial/Ad! [LOL]

Well, this is supposed to be a Japanese candy commercial but I agree with Ray William Johnson, the song is Jamaican and the girls are white. Or I think that's what he said in his video, yes Ray William Johnson talked about this video. Ray aside, I really like this video, it's kind of catchy. You look like a, you smell like a, you feel like a, you taste like a double ended di-l-do~

I'm so embarrassed

You know, sometimes you might do something extremely embarrassing and even though not many people know about it you still feel extremely embarrassed. Well, today 2 embarrassing things happened to me. First of all, is I fell down on my back and even though only 2 people saw it, I still feel embarrassed. And the second one is, well my friend used my phone number to call him mother and I didn't know that. I thought he was trying to call his own phone for some reason. Then later I wanted the guys name to put it in my contacts so I text him "How spell your name o?" and then I saw "him" left me a missed call. I still didn't know that was his mother so I text him another message saying "wat o....cb..." If you don't know what cb is, it's a short form for a bad word that I'm not gonna say online. Then later HE used the mother's phone to call me and told me that wasn't him. And also, besides that guy and his mother no one else knows. I don't know why I feel so embarrassed since nobody knows about it. Damn it!!! Why am I like this? I know how to get my head of certain things, but for some reason I can't get my head out of embarrassing things. Anybody has any ideas? So, to get my head out of it, I'm gonna watch Equals Three. That usually cheers me up. Here's one of his link:

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Top 5 Things NOT to say about people's crush

  1. You guys don't even match!
    Okay, when you like someone, you'll get hurt when someone says that to you about your crush. My friend said this to me which is why on the second day I told her I lied about liking him. So, even if you don't think they match don't say it.
  2. He/She is such a dork!
    Even though he or she, mostly he is a dork don't say it. Maybe some people likes dorky people, but when you say that people will rethink about what kind of people they like. And even if they still like dorky people they won't anymore because they don't want to get laughed by other people.
  3. Why do you even like him/her?!
    People have their own reasons for liking someone. Even though some people can't think of a good reason  they still like them. Sometimes you'll like someone because he or she treats you good.
  4. Can you imagine yourself with him/her?!
    Please don't say this. So what if he or she is not your type, maybe he or she is some other people's type. And if you can't imagine you being with someone then you can't like them? In that case a lot of people won't have lovers anymore.
  5. He's freaking ugly!
    You can't say someone is ugly! Even if he or she is, you can't say it, it'll hurt people. So, if I like someone who isn't that good-looking doesn't mean that anyone can't love them. You can like whoever you want, and you don't judge who people like even though you don't like he or her (the crush).

Don't say bad things about your friend's crush

You know, I don't get some people, they judge who other people like. My best friends for example, the one that sits behind me has a crush on a guy in our class and even though I really hate the guy I don't mind her liking him because I'm not her mother or anyone, what do I have to say about it? And even if I am her mother I don't mind, like whoever you want, it's your choice, you can't force someone not to love somebody. And the one beside me doesn't like the guy as well, even though she herself liked him before. But that doesn't matter, the one beside me always badmouths the guy IN FRONT of the girl! Who does that?! Sometimes, when she keeps talking about how bad the guy is I give her a sign telling her to stop. She does stop but after a few moments she continues! And I have someone I like myself and she keeps begging me to tell her, I'm not afraid that she will tell anyone cuz' she won't. It's just that I told her once, and she keeps saying "You guys don't even match." First of all you might think, if you told her then why does she still beg you to tell. Well, I'm close with my crush and one or two other guys so told her "Actually, I lied I don't like him, I like someone else." And thank god she believed because I really don't want to hear that sentence. That is one of the things you DON'T want to say about people's crushes. I mean, if you say "He/She's not good looking/beautiful." it's fine because everyone has their own opinion, but come on, if you say you guys don't match that's a little harsh.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Judgemental family/friends

So, my parents finally knew that I have a blog but of course they don't know the web address. Why didn't I tell them sooner? Why didn't I tell them the web address? Well, I guess a lot of you might know the feeling of getting judged. It's because I'm tired of getting judged by my cousins, relatives or sometimes friends. Like the dude that wrote this, "I'd rather tell a stranger all of my problems than tell a friend/family member who will judge me." That dude is obviously tired of getting judged by their family all day. Some people will say "If you don't trust your friends that's fine but you can always come back to your family because they won' hurt you, your friends will." Well, if you don't want to get judged by your family and you don't trust you friends enough, tell a random stranger cuz' they don't know who you are so who are they to judge you? If you think they'll tell the whole word about it, think about this. They don't know who you are, you're no one in their life, so why waste time on someone you know nothing about. If you're a teenager you might realize that your friends or even you always talk about people you know like your teacher or your classmates or someone you know. For example, your classmate's wearing broken shoes to school, you'll talk about it with your friends. But if some random student wear's broken shoes to school, you'll talk or say it to your friends but after a few minutes, it's done. We change the topic. When my parents found out I had a blog, they were judging me even though they don't know what I wrote on this blog. They're judging me even though they don't know what I write?! Imagine if they knew! And they still expect me to tell them.

Alienware Laptop

So, recently I found out that I need more than just one game to keep me entertained. Which is why I'm thinking of playing Minecraft, yeah, I never played Minecraft before but they said there's lots of blood in it and also it's extremely famous for some reason. Maybe because it's bloody? But that's not the only thing I wanna try, I wanna try something like Resident Evil, Amnesia or even Silent Hill. Some people might say "Play Slender Man, it's terrifying!" Well I played it hundreds of times and it's not as terrifying anymore, of course I need company, because I always play computer at night and it's WAY creepier at night. Oh, and I also heard that there's a laptop MADE FOR GAMERS!!! It's called Alienware. This Alienware is M17, there's also M14 and M18. I looked up M17 and it has 3D Graphics, killer view and the laptop has freakin power! You can enjoy the ful-HD, 43.2cm (17) 1080p display! Search and destroy with confidence with Genuine Windows® 7 Professional operating system, optional Intel® Core™ i7 processors and up to 16GB of high-performance 1333MHz memory. Need extra power? Intel Turbo Boost 2.0 automatically speeds up your processor for added performance. Need to get out of the house for a while? Long battery life will enable you to take the M17x with you wherever you go, leaving the AC adapter way behind. I want Alienware but it costs like 7-8 thousand! The M14 version is about 4-5 thousand.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Eminem: Like Toy Soldiers (lyrics)

This is the lyrics for Toy Soldiers, by Eminem. He was so sad when his best friend got shot... And the worse part is he gets blamed for it. I think, all I know is he's freakin sad when he wrote this song, but it's still awesome..

Eminem - Beautiful

In the previous post I said that I was freaking out right, well I think this song kinda represents me right now. I don't really know all of the lyrics but I think some of it represents me. And damn, this song is awesome!

I'm freakin out man!

I'm losing my mind! Exams are so freakin near and damn it I'm freaking out! I have a crush alright and I don't know why but I think he likes someone else, I don't know who, he doesn't have Facebook so he can't post emotional things, he doesn't have a cellphone even if he has a cellphone I still wouldn't know anything! I'm freaking out damn it! But it's kind of a good thing. Why? Because to get my mind out of it, I study for some reason, I guess it's because exams are near and I know I have to study and it's the only thing that keeps me from thinking that my crush likes someone else, and it also helps improve my grades. And I don't think it's entirely bad, like "it" says, I'm losing my mind but as long as I keep the part that tells me when I gotta pee, I should be okay! He's right, but still, I don't want to lose my mind over him! I usually don't believe I like someone but now I really think I like him because I think this is the first time I ever got jealous. Well, it isn't exactly the first, but this is definitely the first time I got so jealous that I'm freaking out! This never happened to me and I really don't know what to do, so I'm studying. If you know me, I never study even in finals so this is very very rare. Any ideas readers? I didn't think so, no offense. When I freak out I have no patience...... Well, gotta get back to studying before I start freaking out again and cry. Yeah, sometimes I cry when I freak out.

Timbaland "Hands in the air" Flash Mob (Not Step Up Revolution)

I was looking for some Step Up dance scenes then I saw this, it didn't have the "(Not Step Up Revolution)" on it so I thought it was so when I clicked it, I wanted to change but I wanted to see the dance moves. The moves weren't really fascinating but they did it all simultaneously so yeah, it's pretty good...

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Exam Stress Release

So, next week is my school's exams and I'm starting to study, so I don't think I'll post too much things during those period which is 14/10/2012-24/10/2012. I probably will post somethings because I don't think I can really study, so when I don't study and don't know what to do, I post things on Facebook or blogs. Okay, so I'm gonna talk about something else to get mine and other people's stress out, I'll talk about holidays and after exams. So the day after exams is my friend's birthday so me and my other friends thought we could celebrate it with her after school at the exact day exams are finished because on 25/10/2012 (my friends birthday) is a special school holiday to celebrate the end of exams for this year. So we thought we could celebrate her birthday and also to celebrate because exams is over! We thought we could go watch a movie and go eat some McDonalds as a reward to our hard work. And I don't know how and why we got that far but we even thought about what we're gonna do during the holidays. We decided to go on a trip together, just us friends. But it won't be much people because in our group, there's only 5 people but less people doesn't mean less fun right? As long as you're with your closest friends. So, if you're still stressed about exams, here's something that might cheer you up, don't be afraid. You'll get it when you open the link.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

I don't get guys..

There are somethings that I don't get about guys, one of the things are why do they like girls who likes posing dumb girl poses. Or girls that like to hang out with guys, not what you think I mean. Well, in Malaysia we call it “kao仔". It's really hard to explain, but usually it's like, you want attention from guys so you purposely get close to them by doing all sorts of things that I don't even know how to say. I really don't know why guys would want those kind of girls. And when they post pictures like duck faces, hundreds of guys and girls will like it! Do they have eyes?! They're ugly as hell, you know what, that's an insult to hell, but I can't think of anything so yeah, it's ugly as hell! Anyway, I really don't get guys, some girls are violent but that doesn't mean they don't want attention too, they just don't go do it on purpose, and they don't pose pictures and tag people just for them to like it. Like this picture for example, her eye is fucking the camera or cellphone, either way it's still a dumb girl pose! And I bet hundreds of dumb guys liked it too! You know, I may be somewhat violent, and like a lot of guy games but I still want attention too, not from all of the guys of course. I want attention from some guys, like my crush and some other guys, not all of course. So, guys, use your damn head! These girls aren't worth it!

Rap Song in 11 Different Accents

This guy is Asian. Wow, he's awesome. You know, even though it's a stereotype but it's kind of true. Not all of it but you gotta admit, some of what he says he true about you or your parents... Or what people think about them..

(PSY) Gangnam Style - Sungha Jung

Sungha Jung is back with THE most famous Korean song of all time, for now anyway, it's Gangnam Style! Actually, I don't actually know what he's playing, I only know some of the parts. But if you saw the video, his hands are so damn fast and good, how the hell does he do that?!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Being in a relationship

So, my friend who is in a relationship says that his girlfriend is awesome. Awesome meaning she won't ask him to abandon his friends just to hang out with her, or she won't mind if he talks to other girls cuter, prettier or more awesome than her. Well, he's not wrong at the same time he is wrong. He's wrong because he thinks that his girlfriend will stay the same forever. First of all, everyone changes especially when they're in a relationships. Second of all, there's always an expiration date. I'm quoting Barney Stinson from "How I Met Your Mother" here, the earliest expiration date is one night. Actually, I don't quite remember what he said exactly but there's always an expiration date. For those who are married, the last expiration date is death. But for those who are still young and in a relationship, the relationship will be over before you leave school. Which is normal, but for some extreme couples, I don't know how they do it but they dated each other until college. Like me and Barney Stinson said, there's an expiration date, they dated each other until college, they didn't get married, they didn't have kids. They were only boyfriend and girlfriend until college. But I think my mother's old friend is the longest one, she started dating very young and now she's married to that person. But, things isn't very good at home, they fought everyday and the husband attacks the wife everyday. So, either you break up or get beaten to death. I'm not saying you shouldn't have a lover when you're young, you learn from your mistakes, I'm saying don't say your girl or boyfriend is perfect.

Exams are coming

So, finals are coming this month, in Malaysia anyway. I think... People usually get freaked out near exams but for me and most of my friends, we're fine for some reason. Yeah, I really don't know why we're not freaking out but I don't think most of my schoolmates do. I'm serious, I know a lot of people in school and I don't think any of them are freaked out about exams. Well maybe some in the first class, but for kids like me we're like "What exam?" And I know some people older than me and they're also in the first class but I don't see them freaking out either. Maybe they study everyday so they don't think it's a problem. For me, I'm actually afraid about some of the subjects. Well, I'm not really scared or anything, it's like when you know you're going to fail and you're actually afraid of what comes after that. Well, it's that feeling. You don't feel anything when you finish the paper but when you finish every subject meaning exams are over, you get a little afraid because you're afraid you might get separated from your classmates or friends. I have three best friends in class and I really don't want to get separated from them. Anyway, I really hate exams but at the same time I really want to stay in the same class with my friends. So, for all the people who are having exams, god bless you. Hope you guys pass your exams~

Monday, 8 October 2012

Duck Face

So, this is a picture I saw on the internet, I didn't copy down the link and I forgot it. So this is the most famous dumb girl pose there is, the "duck-face".Yup, this bitch is a freakin dumb ass. I don't know why some guys actually like these girls. You know for all the guys that think these girls are cute, well they're not! This is one of those signs that only girls can see, she's freakin desperate! Like I said, when guys see these kind of pictures they'll probably say nothing but they actually think it's cute. Are they blind?! And most girls usually pity her or they're close friends with the girl so they think it's not bad. Most of you should know girls, when they hate someone no matter what they do, they'll hate it. But when you're close friends with her, a lot of the things they do, they'll be fine with it. Damn.... The more I look at this picture the more I think she's retarded, not that I think she's not. Someone who thinks she looks cute that way can't be smart in a lot of ways. Wow, I get why they call it "duck face". Look at the lips, it really looks like a duck! And she just has to put her fingers that way. She looks more like a duck that way, but I don't think you can call them that. For the love of god! Do they know how insulting it is to the ducks?! If only girls these days aren't so dumb, but sadly they are.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Gay People

So, Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation that makes California the first state to ban a controversial form of psychotherapy that's aimed at making gay teenagers straight, reported the Associated Press Oct. 1. Effective Jan. 1, mental health practitioners are prohibited from performing sexual orientation change efforts — known as reparative or conversion therapy — for anyone under 18. Actually, I just copied this from some site, and it kinda bugs me that they're trying to make people straight. No, I myself am straight it's just, gay people are gay people, it's their choice, not the community, not anyone. And a lot of my friends from elementary turned into a lesbian when they got into high school, which is kind of weird because they were fine until they entered high school, I wonder how or why they turned. But even though I'm straight I don't mind having gay people in the community, I don't mind gay marriage. If people love each other what am I to say. But of course, there are somethings about relationships that pisses me off but gay isn't one of them. Anyway, if you're gay or a lesbian it's fine and if any of my readers are in a same sex relationship and you guys want to get married or something. Then go for it, if you don't want to listen from straight people listen from gay people.  (This is just the lists of gay organizations)    (Neil Patrick Harris' Message To Gay Youth)

Eminem: Lose Yourself (lyrics)

One of Eminem's top songs. Lose yourself ~

Omuraisu (Japanese Rice Omelet)

Similar in flavor and style to hash browns and eggs, this delicious Japanese dish works wonderfully as breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


1 cup cooked white or brown rice
1/2 small onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup chicken breast or boiled ham, cut into small pieces
ketchup in a squeeze bottle
2 large eggs (organic preferred)
salt and pepper

one large sauté pan
one 20cm/8-inch nonstick or cast iron frying pan

Sauté the chopped onion until transparent in butter. Add the chicken or ham and sauté until done. Add the rice and toss until heated through. Add about 2 Tbs. of ketchup and toss rapidly - you just want to color and flavor the rice, not make it soggy. Season with a little salt and pepper. Mound the rice on a plate in a sort of omelette shape.
Start heating a knob of butter in the frying pan until the butter stops bubbling. In the meantime, crack the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt and pepper and whisk with a fork. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and make an omelette that is still slightly runny in the middle.
As soon as it's done, carefully turn the omelette onto the mounded rice. Optionally cut it carefully down the middle, so that the egg runs a bit over the rice.
Squirt with a little ketchup on top. Serve immediately, perhaps with a small green salad on the side.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Cameron Highlands

So, I've been at Cameron Highlands with my grandparents, aunt, uncle and mother for the past two days. I can't post any pictures of the trip now, but I will when I get home. Anyway, you're probably wondering what I did while I was here at the land of strawberries. Well, I did buy strawberries and it is damn sweet~ And this afternoon, we're went to this place called "The Lord's Cafe". It's beside a fast-food restaurant called "Marybrown". We ordered a slice of apple pie, cream scone and also a plain crepe. I gotta say, I didn't expect the food would be so delicious. Actually, it's kind of my highlight of the trip. The food was so damn amazing but sadly it's closed on Sunday and it closes at about 6pm. "The Lord's Cafe" isn't the original name, T-Cafe was the original name. I don't know why it changed though, I think they want to respect Jesus or something. Anyway, if you want to find some place to eat, go find it. And I would give you the link on the google map but I can't find it. If you really want to find it, you have to go pass "Hotel Titiwangsa". After you pass Hotel Titiwangsa, you go pass some Indian temple. If you go pass the Indian temple first then you're going the wrong way. So, hope you find the restaurant and remember to buy some strawberries if you ever go to Cameron Highlands.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

I just pissed off my mother..

Wow. I just pissed off my mother again, which is a normal thing this year. Why this year? Because I started to skip school, never passing up my homework, never listening to what the teachers say, sleeping in class. But in my defense, I only slept in class once! I can't sleep, it's either too noisy or too uncomfortable. And I blame everything on, no not my mother, on my dumb-ass teachers! Well, as you might know from my previous post, I never passed up a single art work. And my mother found out, well because of me. I accidentally said "I never even passed up a single art work." And that got my mother furious, because like most Asian parents do, they want us to be good, respectful to adults, and have no "voice", if you know what I mean. Okay, fine, now I'm gonna explain "Asians" to you. The ones that you see on television aren't all true, yeah sure, most of them are great at Mathematics, and have to get good grades or else their parents will kill them. But there's another type of Asians that isn't quite well know, my type. We suck at Mathematics, and even though we will get killed we will still rebel against our parents. And when they're young, they will rebel against their parents but they're soft when they're young, meaning, when the parents start crying and saying "I don't know how to teach you kids. I really don't. I don't deserve to be your mother." the kids will start crying themselves out of sympathy. But when you're older, you don't give a damn about that, you have your own "voice", you can't let them control you whenever they want! Anyway, since that's cleared, I'm gonna continue telling you how and why I pissed off my mother. She knew I didn't pass up my art work so she got furious. And when she gets furious she either slams everything that can be slammed on, or she just stands or sits there, not saying a single word using those eyes staring at you. And when I mean "those eyes" I mean the "Eyes of Judgement", it's those eyes that you can tell they're blaming you for everything, and at the same time it makes you feel guilty. Anyway, I got mad I just argued with my mother. So, this went on until now, my mother is crying and I don't know since when, I've been extremely cold because I just stood there and stared at my mother crying. When I was younger I would cry too and say "I'm sorry.." But now, I guess it's different.

F*** ART!!

F*** ART!!! No offense to people who love art. I never passed or even done any of my art homework because I hate art. Okay, I don't hate art itself, I just hate the way my teachers want me to do it! They want it to be perfect, if any detail in that picture is wrong he will ask you to redo it! Are you kidding me?! If something is wrong with that picture then that mistake itself makes it unique! You can't expect everyone to pass up the same freakin homework that looks exactly the same! There's bound to be mistakes, but NO! You can't make mistakes in my school! And you're practically wasting your time standing there, waiting in line just to let him mark your art work, and when it's finally your turn, he'll ask you to redo it! Or, if the bell rang when it's your turn he'll say "The bell rang so you're too late." Dude! The bell rang because you were so slow judging people's art work! And I'm serious, these damn brainless teachers are the ones that make me uncreative and unimaginative! Art is suppose to be something that you make yourself, something that you created yourself. It doesn't have to be copied! If you copy it, it's just mimicking, and what's that? That is just crap! But that's not what the school wants, they just want you to mimic it! But I still never passed up any on my homework.

(Official Video) Oppa Ipoh Style production by Ipoh Lang

Okay, so this is the new song that some guys made from Ipoh. And if you don't understand what it means, here's the translation in English:

Oppa Ipoh Style!
Ipoh Style!

Everybody asks, what's nice to eat in Ipoh?
Let me tell you what's nice to eat in Ipoh.
Prawn dumpling, siew mai, glutinous chicken rice, cha siew pao, all of them taste very good.
But the best is still Rojak! (What?! Rojak?!!)

Hurry up and come'on,
Everything we have is good like porridge, noodles, rice, herbal tea and dim sum.
The food is so cheap in Ipoh that'll make you shocked.
I guarantee you will come back again for more!

We have pomelo, menglembu peanuts, white coffee, hey!
Charcoal baked biscuits, hey!
Other than that, we have "drive through tou fu fa", "Big tree foot" , tong sui kai, and ipoh's most famous bean sprout chicken!

Oppa Ipoh Style
Ipoh Style!
Op op op op,
Oppa Ipoh Style
Ipoh Style!

EHH, still lining up??
Op op op op,
Oppa Ipoh Style!
EHH, we have a problem!
Op op op op,
Done with work, stuck in a traffic jam with a guy behind honking me,
Having a bad mood and the guy behind me wants a duel!
I've learn all Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Hung Kuen, Jeet Kune Do,
But I would rather dance than start a duel!

Please don't sigh,
We never give up even we have loads of stress!
Do visit Ipoh when you're free and chill with us,
We will welcome you,
We will welcome you!

Saw a hot girl at the train station,
Her a**, hey! I feel like touching her a**, hey!
But there are more hot girls over the other side,
Their a**, hey! I feel like touching their a**, hey!
But it will set a bad example for the kids!

Oppa Ipoh Style
Ipoh Style!
Op op op op,
Oppa Ipoh Style
Ipoh Style!

Op op op op,
EH! Pomelo girls!
Op op op op,
Oppa Ipoh Style
EH! Leg's flashing!
Op op op op,
Sam Poh Cave, beautiful Sam Poh Cave,
Babeh babeh Kek Lok Cave and Perak Cave,
Kuan Yin Cave, praying at Kuan Yin Cave,
babeh babeh Batu Caves!
Enough! Batu cave is not from Ipoh!!
You know what I'm saying?!!

Ehhh, Ipoh Babeh,
Op op op op,
Oppa Ipoh Style
Ehhh, Ipoh Babeh,
Op op op op,
Oppa Ipoh Style!!
                                                                                                                                                                       Okay, so I don't know if the lyrics is true or what because I just copied it from the description.

Oppa Ipoh Style~!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The Walking Dead Season 3 Comic-Con Trailer

This is the Walking Dead Season 3 Trailer guys. I can't believe I just found this. Anyway, I do hope this isn't the last episode because this is like THE best horror series I've ever seen! If it's not horror, then I don't know what it is, but it definitely is my favorite show in it's category because I like comedy shows, and I don't think Walking Dead makes people laugh does it? Well, sometimes. Anyway, AMC please please continue! If you must follow the comic, please make comic continue!!! I love "The Walking Dead"!!!


Why do we have to study? Okay, we have to study so we can have good grades. When we have good grades we can have good jobs that pay well. Anyway, yeah, I know studying can make you have a better life in the future but that doesn't actually make sense. I mean, one teacher can't teach every subject but they expect us to pass every single subject? Yeah, some of you douches might think "They only want you to pass, what's the big deal?" Well, douche, it is a big deal. Students hate studying, and if you do, I'm sorry either your school is awesome or you really are a douche. Yes, my school sucks! The teachers don't know how to teach and they expect us to study for our exams. How can we study on our own when we don't even know what it means, the more we ask the teacher the more confusing it gets! Do you know how boring studying is?! It is so boring at a certain point I'll fall asleep which would be normal if I closed my eyes! Yes, I passed out because of studying, sort of. And because of studying I have to "cherish" my time by playing video games or sleep all day which is totally fine with me because I love it~ Anyway, if they want us to study and play less video games and sleep all day, they should actually make it more fun. I don't care how they intend to do it but I mean it! My parents want me to have good grades but they can't make studying fun so don't expect me to get an "A" in my exam or anything. Plus, my English teacher doesn't like me that much so even if I did study my English, I still wouldn't get an "A". And I don't need to study English, because it is my best subject.

"Cheesy" People

Okay, some of my friends in school don't know what the word "cheesy". It has quite a lot of meanings so hears the link for the word "cheesy" on the urban dictionary. It's at the end of the post.   If you've checked the word already, continue reading, if you haven't go check it already, I already gave you the freakin link! Anyway, someone has a crush on me, to be more specific, the guy I friend-zoned. And that guy is freakin cheesy, every single time I go online on Facebook, he'll find me and say "Good afternoon." But in depends on the time of course, if it's night he'll say "Good night." in Chinese of course. Yeah, he doesn't exactly know English that well so yeah, we use Chinese to talk on Facebook. And if you don't think that's cheesy enough, he'll always say things like "I love you." or give me links to love songs (Chinese love songs) and cheesy pictures that have captions saying "I think of you but the person you think of isn't me." Which is kind of weird because if he knows I'm not thinking of him why the hell would anyone keep doing it?! He's like Howard Wolowitz from Big Bang Theory, when some hot chick rejects him he will still hit on her! It really bugs me sometimes, I can accept Howard doing it because he's better than the guy that has a crush on me. I'm serious! I just hope he likes someone else SOON!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Payphone/Telephone - Maroon 5/Lady Gaga (Sam Tsui Cover)

Is it just me or he sounds better singing "Payphone" in this remix? This remix is good but he mixes two songs and sings them both together so it's kind of hard to hear the lyrics. Another flaw would be the "Call Me Maybe" part, I'm not really a fan of "Call Me Maybe" so yeah. I wonder if it would sound better without it, it probably would I mean come on, even the title didn't mention the call me maybe part. I guess if it did, not many people would listen to it. Okay, I'm not exactly sure why I hate the song so don't blame me.

Walking Dead Comic

Damn it! I decided to read "The Walking Dead" comic book so I went to find it on Google. But in the end I still can't find it in any website. Well, actually I did but all I found was the first issue. So after I read it I wanted to continue because it was so awesome. I actually wanted to read the comic is because of the new season. Well, if you watched Season 2, you'll probably remember someone holding a katana sword and she killed a zombie that was trying to eat Andrea. My cousin said it was extremely fake because you usually see this in animations and "The Walking Dead" is like the most realistic show I've seen for a long time so I just hope the 'dude' holding a katana isn't as bad as I thought. So the only way to find out is to watch Season 3, and that won't be out for a while. So I just decided to read the comics. And so far, it's awesome, so I can't stop reading it but at the same time it's kind of scary because it's getting kind of dark and my parents are out meaning I'm home alone. And the worst part is my dog keeps barking so it kinda creeps me out for some reason. Anyway, I'm gonna keep reading the comic on Youtube. This is the link for the first issue of "The Walking Dead", I think you can find other issues of it when you finish reading the first one.


Wow... Today I had my third shot of the HPV. I actually have no idea what it stands for but damn it hurts. Of course it didn't hurt so much that I cried of course, I'm not those kind of people who cry because it hurts. So what, yeah it hurts but if I recall injections don't really hurt that if you don't panic of course. Yeah, you might think I'm judging people but I had a lot of injections when I was young and not a single tear came out of my eyes. Anyway, I don't know if kids from other classes cried but not even one girl from my class cried about it. But one of my friends from the class next to us did, she wasn't crying but she definitely said it hurts like hell. Then, one of my friends/classmates joked around and beat their hands. Yes, that classmate was a girl but she didn't think it would be that painful for some reason. So when she beat the girl's hands, the girl cried. I usually don't like it when people cry but I find this acceptable. You know, besides the pain it was awesome because we had to sit in the hall for hours. We don't have to sit down there and be quite even though the teachers said to. Actually, my class was the first class to take the injection so everyone went back to class except for me one of the reasons is because even if I did went back to class I wouldn't be doing anything because my teacher is absent. So, I just stayed in the hall and chatted with my friends until the next period.