
Sunday 7 October 2012

Gay People

So, Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation that makes California the first state to ban a controversial form of psychotherapy that's aimed at making gay teenagers straight, reported the Associated Press Oct. 1. Effective Jan. 1, mental health practitioners are prohibited from performing sexual orientation change efforts — known as reparative or conversion therapy — for anyone under 18. Actually, I just copied this from some site, and it kinda bugs me that they're trying to make people straight. No, I myself am straight it's just, gay people are gay people, it's their choice, not the community, not anyone. And a lot of my friends from elementary turned into a lesbian when they got into high school, which is kind of weird because they were fine until they entered high school, I wonder how or why they turned. But even though I'm straight I don't mind having gay people in the community, I don't mind gay marriage. If people love each other what am I to say. But of course, there are somethings about relationships that pisses me off but gay isn't one of them. Anyway, if you're gay or a lesbian it's fine and if any of my readers are in a same sex relationship and you guys want to get married or something. Then go for it, if you don't want to listen from straight people listen from gay people.  (This is just the lists of gay organizations)    (Neil Patrick Harris' Message To Gay Youth)

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