
Saturday 6 October 2012

Cameron Highlands

So, I've been at Cameron Highlands with my grandparents, aunt, uncle and mother for the past two days. I can't post any pictures of the trip now, but I will when I get home. Anyway, you're probably wondering what I did while I was here at the land of strawberries. Well, I did buy strawberries and it is damn sweet~ And this afternoon, we're went to this place called "The Lord's Cafe". It's beside a fast-food restaurant called "Marybrown". We ordered a slice of apple pie, cream scone and also a plain crepe. I gotta say, I didn't expect the food would be so delicious. Actually, it's kind of my highlight of the trip. The food was so damn amazing but sadly it's closed on Sunday and it closes at about 6pm. "The Lord's Cafe" isn't the original name, T-Cafe was the original name. I don't know why it changed though, I think they want to respect Jesus or something. Anyway, if you want to find some place to eat, go find it. And I would give you the link on the google map but I can't find it. If you really want to find it, you have to go pass "Hotel Titiwangsa". After you pass Hotel Titiwangsa, you go pass some Indian temple. If you go pass the Indian temple first then you're going the wrong way. So, hope you find the restaurant and remember to buy some strawberries if you ever go to Cameron Highlands.

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