
Wednesday 24 October 2012

Tips on being in a better relationship

Recently a lot of my friends including me are going through relationships problems right now and some of them are because they think they're boyfriends aren't treating them good enough. Well, I don't know too much because I've never actually been in a relationship, but I do have a crush on someone though. Anyway, there's actually someone that would make a great example of girls demanding too much from their boyfriends. Well, I know the boyfriend and damn that guy is soft! He's a great guy but he always gets controlled by his girlfriend so I kinda pity him sometimes. Okay, so the guy likes playing basketball with his friends but his girlfriend doesn't. So, everyday after school he has to give up playing basketball because he has to be with his girlfriend. But the girlfriend and the girlfriend's best friend still thinks he isn't a good boyfriend. Hey, if someone is willing to give up his favorite sport for you he's a dang awesome guy! One of my seniors is also in a relationship, and I really like his girlfriend because their relationship is balanced. The girl will sometimes sacrifice her time just to watch his boyfriend play basketball, and sometimes the guy sacrifices his time to be with her. If I had a boyfriend and he has to play basketball or something, I'd follow him or just don't mind and be with my friends. Or I can call my friends to the basketball court with me. Anyway, my point is you have to sacrifice somethings when you're in a relationship, you can't just expect your partner to sacrifice everything for you.

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