
Tuesday 2 October 2012


Wow... Today I had my third shot of the HPV. I actually have no idea what it stands for but damn it hurts. Of course it didn't hurt so much that I cried of course, I'm not those kind of people who cry because it hurts. So what, yeah it hurts but if I recall injections don't really hurt that if you don't panic of course. Yeah, you might think I'm judging people but I had a lot of injections when I was young and not a single tear came out of my eyes. Anyway, I don't know if kids from other classes cried but not even one girl from my class cried about it. But one of my friends from the class next to us did, she wasn't crying but she definitely said it hurts like hell. Then, one of my friends/classmates joked around and beat their hands. Yes, that classmate was a girl but she didn't think it would be that painful for some reason. So when she beat the girl's hands, the girl cried. I usually don't like it when people cry but I find this acceptable. You know, besides the pain it was awesome because we had to sit in the hall for hours. We don't have to sit down there and be quite even though the teachers said to. Actually, my class was the first class to take the injection so everyone went back to class except for me one of the reasons is because even if I did went back to class I wouldn't be doing anything because my teacher is absent. So, I just stayed in the hall and chatted with my friends until the next period.

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