
Friday 12 October 2012

I'm freakin out man!

I'm losing my mind! Exams are so freakin near and damn it I'm freaking out! I have a crush alright and I don't know why but I think he likes someone else, I don't know who, he doesn't have Facebook so he can't post emotional things, he doesn't have a cellphone even if he has a cellphone I still wouldn't know anything! I'm freaking out damn it! But it's kind of a good thing. Why? Because to get my mind out of it, I study for some reason, I guess it's because exams are near and I know I have to study and it's the only thing that keeps me from thinking that my crush likes someone else, and it also helps improve my grades. And I don't think it's entirely bad, like "it" says, I'm losing my mind but as long as I keep the part that tells me when I gotta pee, I should be okay! He's right, but still, I don't want to lose my mind over him! I usually don't believe I like someone but now I really think I like him because I think this is the first time I ever got jealous. Well, it isn't exactly the first, but this is definitely the first time I got so jealous that I'm freaking out! This never happened to me and I really don't know what to do, so I'm studying. If you know me, I never study even in finals so this is very very rare. Any ideas readers? I didn't think so, no offense. When I freak out I have no patience...... Well, gotta get back to studying before I start freaking out again and cry. Yeah, sometimes I cry when I freak out.

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