
Monday 15 October 2012

I'm so embarrassed

You know, sometimes you might do something extremely embarrassing and even though not many people know about it you still feel extremely embarrassed. Well, today 2 embarrassing things happened to me. First of all, is I fell down on my back and even though only 2 people saw it, I still feel embarrassed. And the second one is, well my friend used my phone number to call him mother and I didn't know that. I thought he was trying to call his own phone for some reason. Then later I wanted the guys name to put it in my contacts so I text him "How spell your name o?" and then I saw "him" left me a missed call. I still didn't know that was his mother so I text him another message saying "wat o....cb..." If you don't know what cb is, it's a short form for a bad word that I'm not gonna say online. Then later HE used the mother's phone to call me and told me that wasn't him. And also, besides that guy and his mother no one else knows. I don't know why I feel so embarrassed since nobody knows about it. Damn it!!! Why am I like this? I know how to get my head of certain things, but for some reason I can't get my head out of embarrassing things. Anybody has any ideas? So, to get my head out of it, I'm gonna watch Equals Three. That usually cheers me up. Here's one of his link:

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