
Thursday 4 October 2012

F*** ART!!

F*** ART!!! No offense to people who love art. I never passed or even done any of my art homework because I hate art. Okay, I don't hate art itself, I just hate the way my teachers want me to do it! They want it to be perfect, if any detail in that picture is wrong he will ask you to redo it! Are you kidding me?! If something is wrong with that picture then that mistake itself makes it unique! You can't expect everyone to pass up the same freakin homework that looks exactly the same! There's bound to be mistakes, but NO! You can't make mistakes in my school! And you're practically wasting your time standing there, waiting in line just to let him mark your art work, and when it's finally your turn, he'll ask you to redo it! Or, if the bell rang when it's your turn he'll say "The bell rang so you're too late." Dude! The bell rang because you were so slow judging people's art work! And I'm serious, these damn brainless teachers are the ones that make me uncreative and unimaginative! Art is suppose to be something that you make yourself, something that you created yourself. It doesn't have to be copied! If you copy it, it's just mimicking, and what's that? That is just crap! But that's not what the school wants, they just want you to mimic it! But I still never passed up any on my homework.

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