
Sunday 14 October 2012

Top 5 Things NOT to say about people's crush

  1. You guys don't even match!
    Okay, when you like someone, you'll get hurt when someone says that to you about your crush. My friend said this to me which is why on the second day I told her I lied about liking him. So, even if you don't think they match don't say it.
  2. He/She is such a dork!
    Even though he or she, mostly he is a dork don't say it. Maybe some people likes dorky people, but when you say that people will rethink about what kind of people they like. And even if they still like dorky people they won't anymore because they don't want to get laughed by other people.
  3. Why do you even like him/her?!
    People have their own reasons for liking someone. Even though some people can't think of a good reason  they still like them. Sometimes you'll like someone because he or she treats you good.
  4. Can you imagine yourself with him/her?!
    Please don't say this. So what if he or she is not your type, maybe he or she is some other people's type. And if you can't imagine you being with someone then you can't like them? In that case a lot of people won't have lovers anymore.
  5. He's freaking ugly!
    You can't say someone is ugly! Even if he or she is, you can't say it, it'll hurt people. So, if I like someone who isn't that good-looking doesn't mean that anyone can't love them. You can like whoever you want, and you don't judge who people like even though you don't like he or her (the crush).

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