
Saturday 20 October 2012

People are bad-mouthing me...

So, a lot of people have been bad-mouthing me, and if you're wondering why I posted this picture. It's because it's a girl that's bad-mouthing me and she likes doing duck faces. But I don't feel like posting duck face pictures so I randomly went to people's Facebook, Google images and other random websites and found this piece of crap. Anyway, I liked someone, and that freakin dumb-ass told his girlfriend. And you know how girls are, they get extremely jealous and then they threaten you. So, I don't know what happened between them. All I know is they're still happily together not that I ever wanted them to break up or anything, and the girlfriend and some other people that I don't know hate my freakin guts! And because of them, more and more people are saying that I'm a bad person. And the worst part is they actually think the people that are bad-mouthing me are good. Well, I can't blame them for saying that even though I don't really like that statement. I mean, anyone is usually good when you just knew them. The only thing I'm happy about is that some people hate those guys that are bad-mouthing me. So, I guess that's it. Man, this douche in the picture is really horrifying, I'll try typing "horrifying girls" on Google image, cuz' she is damn creepy. It's like her face had a stroke or something.

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