
Wednesday 3 October 2012


Why do we have to study? Okay, we have to study so we can have good grades. When we have good grades we can have good jobs that pay well. Anyway, yeah, I know studying can make you have a better life in the future but that doesn't actually make sense. I mean, one teacher can't teach every subject but they expect us to pass every single subject? Yeah, some of you douches might think "They only want you to pass, what's the big deal?" Well, douche, it is a big deal. Students hate studying, and if you do, I'm sorry either your school is awesome or you really are a douche. Yes, my school sucks! The teachers don't know how to teach and they expect us to study for our exams. How can we study on our own when we don't even know what it means, the more we ask the teacher the more confusing it gets! Do you know how boring studying is?! It is so boring at a certain point I'll fall asleep which would be normal if I closed my eyes! Yes, I passed out because of studying, sort of. And because of studying I have to "cherish" my time by playing video games or sleep all day which is totally fine with me because I love it~ Anyway, if they want us to study and play less video games and sleep all day, they should actually make it more fun. I don't care how they intend to do it but I mean it! My parents want me to have good grades but they can't make studying fun so don't expect me to get an "A" in my exam or anything. Plus, my English teacher doesn't like me that much so even if I did study my English, I still wouldn't get an "A". And I don't need to study English, because it is my best subject.

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