
Monday 29 October 2012

Assassin's Creed

So, some people might be wondering why I didn't post anything but I guess a lot of you don't even give a damn even if I post anything huh? Well, never mind that. The reason I stopped posting is because I'm hooked on another game. And that game is "Assassin's Creed". I don't have the 2nd or 3rd one but I gotta say, it's kinda awesome even though it's just the first one. I wonder how awesome the others are. And if you're not a gamer but you heard of "Prototype" and you think it kinda looks like Alex Mercer well his not. I don't really know how to spell his name but I know he's definitely not Alex Mercer. And speaking of Prototype, I can't really play it anymore because of the application or something. Anyway, back to Assassin's Creed, it's actually a memory of an assassin. I haven't really finished the game so I can't really tell the story yet, and if I did finish it.... I really have no idea what to play anymore because I'm afraid to download any games and my brother didn't download any new games.

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