
Saturday 13 October 2012

Judgemental family/friends

So, my parents finally knew that I have a blog but of course they don't know the web address. Why didn't I tell them sooner? Why didn't I tell them the web address? Well, I guess a lot of you might know the feeling of getting judged. It's because I'm tired of getting judged by my cousins, relatives or sometimes friends. Like the dude that wrote this, "I'd rather tell a stranger all of my problems than tell a friend/family member who will judge me." That dude is obviously tired of getting judged by their family all day. Some people will say "If you don't trust your friends that's fine but you can always come back to your family because they won' hurt you, your friends will." Well, if you don't want to get judged by your family and you don't trust you friends enough, tell a random stranger cuz' they don't know who you are so who are they to judge you? If you think they'll tell the whole word about it, think about this. They don't know who you are, you're no one in their life, so why waste time on someone you know nothing about. If you're a teenager you might realize that your friends or even you always talk about people you know like your teacher or your classmates or someone you know. For example, your classmate's wearing broken shoes to school, you'll talk about it with your friends. But if some random student wear's broken shoes to school, you'll talk or say it to your friends but after a few minutes, it's done. We change the topic. When my parents found out I had a blog, they were judging me even though they don't know what I wrote on this blog. They're judging me even though they don't know what I write?! Imagine if they knew! And they still expect me to tell them.

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