
Wednesday 3 October 2012

"Cheesy" People

Okay, some of my friends in school don't know what the word "cheesy". It has quite a lot of meanings so hears the link for the word "cheesy" on the urban dictionary. It's at the end of the post.   If you've checked the word already, continue reading, if you haven't go check it already, I already gave you the freakin link! Anyway, someone has a crush on me, to be more specific, the guy I friend-zoned. And that guy is freakin cheesy, every single time I go online on Facebook, he'll find me and say "Good afternoon." But in depends on the time of course, if it's night he'll say "Good night." in Chinese of course. Yeah, he doesn't exactly know English that well so yeah, we use Chinese to talk on Facebook. And if you don't think that's cheesy enough, he'll always say things like "I love you." or give me links to love songs (Chinese love songs) and cheesy pictures that have captions saying "I think of you but the person you think of isn't me." Which is kind of weird because if he knows I'm not thinking of him why the hell would anyone keep doing it?! He's like Howard Wolowitz from Big Bang Theory, when some hot chick rejects him he will still hit on her! It really bugs me sometimes, I can accept Howard doing it because he's better than the guy that has a crush on me. I'm serious! I just hope he likes someone else SOON!

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