
Thursday 4 October 2012

I just pissed off my mother..

Wow. I just pissed off my mother again, which is a normal thing this year. Why this year? Because I started to skip school, never passing up my homework, never listening to what the teachers say, sleeping in class. But in my defense, I only slept in class once! I can't sleep, it's either too noisy or too uncomfortable. And I blame everything on, no not my mother, on my dumb-ass teachers! Well, as you might know from my previous post, I never passed up a single art work. And my mother found out, well because of me. I accidentally said "I never even passed up a single art work." And that got my mother furious, because like most Asian parents do, they want us to be good, respectful to adults, and have no "voice", if you know what I mean. Okay, fine, now I'm gonna explain "Asians" to you. The ones that you see on television aren't all true, yeah sure, most of them are great at Mathematics, and have to get good grades or else their parents will kill them. But there's another type of Asians that isn't quite well know, my type. We suck at Mathematics, and even though we will get killed we will still rebel against our parents. And when they're young, they will rebel against their parents but they're soft when they're young, meaning, when the parents start crying and saying "I don't know how to teach you kids. I really don't. I don't deserve to be your mother." the kids will start crying themselves out of sympathy. But when you're older, you don't give a damn about that, you have your own "voice", you can't let them control you whenever they want! Anyway, since that's cleared, I'm gonna continue telling you how and why I pissed off my mother. She knew I didn't pass up my art work so she got furious. And when she gets furious she either slams everything that can be slammed on, or she just stands or sits there, not saying a single word using those eyes staring at you. And when I mean "those eyes" I mean the "Eyes of Judgement", it's those eyes that you can tell they're blaming you for everything, and at the same time it makes you feel guilty. Anyway, I got mad I just argued with my mother. So, this went on until now, my mother is crying and I don't know since when, I've been extremely cold because I just stood there and stared at my mother crying. When I was younger I would cry too and say "I'm sorry.." But now, I guess it's different.

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